Sunday, September 26, 2021

More Monpoc Intros

I got the chance to run a couple of demo games of Monsterpocalypse. We didn't complete the first one and I didn't think to take photos anyway, but I was reminded to take photos of the second game.
I was playing G.U.A.R.D. and went first for demonstration purposes.
I pushed Defender up the board. His units killed some of mine.
Khan slammed Defender and repositioned.
Defender couldn't align with Khan so instead used a Swat to kill a couple of units while my tanks managed to injure Khan.
So Khan destroyed all my tanks with a big stomp.
This gave Defender the opening he needed to throw Khan at a building.
But Khan retaliated by throwing Defender into TWO buildings! Now at 3 health, Defender was able to use his Blast to knock Khan into another building, pushing him into his Hyper.
The Terrasaur units grabbed a bunch of power nodes, while my tanks put another point of damage onto Khan, dropping him to 3 health.
Thanks to his units Khan was rocking 8 power dice this turn...
... which he used to put Defender down for the last time.
Another Terrasaur victory!

The game was fun, and surprisingly close, thanks in part to my MR tanks chipping Khan down to keep me in the game. People expressed an interest in the game, so that was nice. I need to finish painting up enough models for a 2-monster game, it's just so hard to find the time...

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