Sunday, October 13, 2024

More Monsters

We've been having more painting hangouts in the last few weeks, and it's been a lot of fun. Over the last three sessions I finished two more monsters from the Witcher boardgame, a harpy and a werewolf, which in retrospect is quite fitting given we are currently in the month of October.

Again I wasn't putting much effort into the Harpy, just threw on some colours real quick and called it a day. I was reminded of images of angels and demons from movies like 2005's Constantine and 2008's Max Paine, so I went for a demonic colour scheme. I wanted to try my new Two Thin Coats purple triad, so I roughly layered up the skin in Two Thin Coats 10016 Amethyst Rayne, 10017 Sorcerer's Cloak, and 10018 Runic Purple.

I used Vallejo colours for the wings, though I'm not 100% sure which ones I used. The basecoat was probably Vallejo 72.010 Game Color Bloody Red. I tried to drybrush orange - most likely Vallejo 72.009 Game Color Hot Orange - but it wasn't drybrushing properly, the result came out more like a smoothly blended transition. Which wasn't what I was after, but I went with it. I got a similar effect with the yellow - probably Vallejo 72.006 Game Color Sun Yellow.

I washed the wings and skin, I think I used Citadel Shade Carroburg Crimson for both. I then picked out the beak in Vallejo 72.763 Game Air Desert Yellow, highlighted with what was probably the same Sun Yellow, then glazed it with Citadel Glaze Lamenters Yellow.

I don't remember exactly what greys and browns I used for the base, but I used different basecolours for the rock, dirt, and rope, but washed them all together, I think I used Citadel Shade Nuln Oil, though it might have been Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade. I drybrushed the rocks in a lighter grey, and I think I drybrushed both the dirt and rope in the same tan.

After soliciting colour scheme suggestions from the rest of the group, I decided to go for a wintery scheme. I actually made an effort with this guy, mainly because he needed more attention due to the different textures covering the whole model.

I basecoated the skin in The Army Painter WP1432 Warpaints Ice Storm. The fur was Vallejo 70.990 Model Color Light Grey. I think the nose was Vallejo 70.862 Model Color Black Grey. The leather was Green Stuff World 1834 Acrylic Color Quicksand Brown. I mixed Formula P3 Ryn Flesh with a little bit of Citadel Colour Base Mephiston Red to get a pink for the mouth. I picked out the teeth, claws and eyes in Two Thin Coats 10036 Trooper White (or it might have been 10035 Ivory Tusk). I used a darker grey for the stone and a darker brown for the dirt.

I then washed the entire model in Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade, which went on very well (although you can see in the photos that I missed a spot or two), but kinda blended the fur and skin together so that there wasn't much difference between them anymore. I dryrbushed the fur in the Light Grey, but I felt it was too dark so I went over it again with Vallejo 70.989 Model Color Sky Grey then Vallejo 79.993 Model Color White Grey. I lightly dryrbushed the skin with Ice Storm to give it back a little of the blue. I drybrushed the rock in Light Grey, and the dirt in Quicksand Brown.

I glazed over the eyes with Citadel Glaze Lamenters Yellow, clumsily dotted the pupils with Vallejo 70.950 Model Color Black, and called it a day.

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