Thursday, June 20, 2024

Khan's Maximum Effort

I met up with Contwrath for a game of Monpoc. Luckily we both had a bit of free time, so we were able to meet up a bit earlier and take our time with the game. On a whim I pulled out Defender X and a bunch of ground-based G.U.A.R.D. units, to go with Terra Khan and his little Raptices. Contwrath was running Dynastavus, Xixorax, and the basic 15 Swarm units.

Game 1:
Contwrath put down his map with River City Rampage facing up. I asked him how many apartments per side he wanted us to play, and he randomly settled on just six, which seemed reasonable since the map seemed a touch low on foundations. I won the roll and chose to go first. My initially plan was to focus on shooting down his units and blowing up buildings on his side to make it hard for him to generate power.
I brought in as many units as I could, focusing on tanks so I could move them to hopefully do some shooting, but I did also prioritise grabbing power nodes and controlling buildings where possible. Contwrath pretty much did the same.

Khan shot an insect on a power node, while Defender whiffed his blast attack against an apartment.

Contwrath repositioned his monsters but didn't spend any of his action dice.

I pushed up some units but didn't really get much done.

Contwrath took a second unit turn and, with his great mobility and accuracy, fairly easily knocked Defender X through three buildings, dropping him down to just three health.

Unable to focus too much on a single monster, I had Defender and Khan throw the two big bugs back into the buildings on their side, for three damage each. I then tried to step into positions that didn't give easy line-ups for throws or slams into buildings.

Contwrath brought in some more units and I tried to position mine to make it impossible for the Swarm monsters to align with Defender for a power attack, using the Repair Truck to put out a fire to allow my units to get where they needed to be.

Thanks to super-damage on Dynastavus' Brawl attack, the two Swarm monsters were able to finish off Defender with just Brawl attacks.

My Raptix on the central power node used Hop to clear room for Khan to align with Xixorax and throw him into a building. Khan then Stepped up to a position where it would be hard to throw him into a building.

The Swarm units put a point of damage into Khan. I moved up some units, putting out a fire with the Repair Truck that might make it easier for Khan to align with Xixorax later. I tried to clear insects off power nodes, but most of my attacks whiffed.

Xixorax tried to throw Khan into the hazard behind him, but missed. Dynastavus did a couple of points of damage with a Brawl.

Khan moved onto the rubble the the repair truck had extinguished, and the Raptix Hopped next to Xixorax before Khan body-slammed him onto another hazard and Stepped away. This left Xixorax on just one health.

The Swarm units killed a couple of mine and tried to set up for more power generation.

I brought in more Raptix and spread them around, then focused as many ranged attacks into Xixorax as I could, managing to knock off his last point of health.

Dynastavus spent a ton of power dice to throw Khan into a distant building, knocking him into Hyper.

Unable to line up for a good power attack, Khan settled for a Brawl followed by a body-slam onto an annoying insect, for 4 damage thanks to the Raptix.

Running low on power dice (I forget why by Contwrath actually should have had a couple more dice but forgot to trigger something), Dynastavus whiffed one attack but landed the second, leaving both monsters on three health.

I tried to kill more insects to disrupt Contwrath's power general, but whiffed a couple of attacks.

Contwrath focused on killing the remaining Raptix; thanks to his combined attacks with the Elites he had no trouble hitting, but missed the one on the right.

I Hopped the Raptix next to Dynastavus, knocked her down to one health with a Brawl with Super-Damage, then finished her off with a Super-Damage slam into a hazard.

It was a great game; I was working really hard all game to try to deny Contwrath power dice and reduce sources of damage into Khan, even if it meant making it harder to inflict damage in return. And even then it was very close; if a couple of whiffed Swarm attacks had not had such cold dice it might have ended differently. The Repair Truck was actually a big help, letting me clear the board of hazards that were a problem for the flightless Khan. The Raptix were stars; Hop not only allowed them to coordinate with Khan to trigger Super-Damage, it also allowed them to get past the river, and just generally helped me to get them where I needed them. Khan really showed his potential here; he has weaknesses but he can do a lot of damage if you can set it up.

The Swarm monsters are mobile, accurate, and hard-hitting; they are tough cookies to be sure. They also seem to be able to generate decent amounts of power even without a good power base; my focus all game was on disrupting his unit power generation, but Contwrath never seemed to be that low on power dice. His early double monster caught me by surprise and put my on the back foot early, and I didn't expect the late-game throw into the distant building either. Even without the Raptix in the last turn, Khan could have body-slammed Dynastavus into the hazard behind him first to drop her to one health, then finished it with a Brawl (which might actually have been the safer option as I would have had more action dice). But my way was more fun.

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