Thursday, December 29, 2022

How Does This Game Work Again?

It's been so long since we played Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika that we actually couldn't remember if the attack roll or the damage roll was opposed, and had to check Youtube for a quick refresher. I also may have messed up the cover rules a few times; I think I was mixing up the rules with some version of Warmachine's rules or something, where you have to be within an inch of a terrain feature for it to give you cover. We might have forgotten to boost Furies too. I really need to fully re-read the rules, especially stuff like jumping and climbing etc.

I decided to try Jax Redblade this game:
Artemis Fang hero solo
Jax Redblade hero solo
Coalition Weaver solo
Hunter solo x2
Ranger Fire Team squad
Dusk Wolf light warjack (Scout cortex, Railgun, Battle Rifle, Ripper Saw)
Strike Raptor heavy warjack (Bomber cortex, Talon Rocket Pod, Talon Rocket Pod, Flamethrower, Flamethrower)

Karas brought his Cadre:
Major Aysa Drayce hero solo
Paladin Seigebreaker solo
Regulator Reave solo
Regulator squad
- Witch Hounds attachments
Tracers squad
Paladin Defenders squad
Paladin Enforcers squad
Firebrand light warjack (Reflex cortex, Assault Rifle & Bayonet, Repulsor Shield, Immolator)
Morningstar heavy warjack (Exchanger cortex, Assault Shield, Assault Shield, Gate Crasher, Starburst Missiles)
Headsman heavy warjack

I forgot my cards this game. This slowed us down a lot as I was constantly checking the wiki for model and weapon stats. I built my rack using Karas' cypher cards: basically I went through his deck and picked the first three of each type of cypher that didn't feel completely useless to me. This did mean that I ended up stealing some powerful cyphers. We were playing Skirmish, so we had to extend the deployment areas to account for the small play area. We rolled for a mission and got Boiling Point.

Karas won the roll-off and chose to go first, deploying Drayce on my left and the Morningstar on my right. I started with my Dusk Wolf and a Hunter on my right, and the Rangers on my left.

Pulse 1.1:
Drayce grabbed the far left objective and put up her buffing aura. The Morningstar moved up and dropped a gate, from which emerged the Firebrand and Seigebreaker. I think Drayce also dropped a gate.
Pulse 1.2:
After consulting the rules my Hunter climbed a ladder to take the high ground. The Dusk Wolf shot at the Firebrand and, through some combination of spikes, cypers, and/or other abilities, the two ended up in positions that are confusing to me when I look at the photo now. I put a gate down near the Rangers.
Pulse 1.3:
Karas brought in the Headsman (and possibly the Regulator Reave, hidden behind the tower?). The Firebrand and Seigebreaker scored the right objective and killed my Dusk Wolf and Hunter with at least one pretty hot roll. Karas put down a gate in his deployment zone behind Drayce
Pulse 1.4:
My Rangers scored the near-left objective and took out the Firebrand, though it killed two of them with return fire. I brought in the Weaver and the Strike Raptor. I put down another gate nearer to the far-left objective.
Pulse 1.5:
The Headsman killed my Weaver and put a wound on the Strike Raptor. Karas brought in the Tracers and Paladin Defenders, finally putting down a gate next to the right objective.
Pulse 1.6:
Using a cypher for flight, my Strike Raptor hopped up to the high ground and took out the Seigebreaker, also putting some damage onto the Headsman. I collapsed my gate on the left to bring back my Dusk Wolf, and put down a new gate on the right.
Pulse 2.1:
The Reave channeled a Fury to wound my DuskWolf, inflicting Lockdown. The Headsman attacked my Strike Raptor but couldn't hit him though the cover. The Seigebreaker and Regulators emerged from the portal next to the right objective. Karas put a gate down on the tower near the Reave.
Pulse 2.2:
I charged the Strike Raptor with a second point of Arc, gave him Tune Up with a cypher card, then spiked for flight and flew down, taking out the Headsman and Regulators, and putting a couple of wounds on the Seigebreaker. For lack of any more jacks or squads I brought in Artemis, Jax, the Weaver, and a Hunter on the right. I put down a gate next to the last Ranger.
Pulse 2.3:
The Tracers moved into the center of the table and, with the help of the Seigebreaker, put two more wounds on the Strike Raptor, leaving him on one. The Headsman popped out of the gate on the middle tower. The Seigebreaker dropped another gate next to the right objective.

Pulse 2.4:
Jax killed the Seigebreaker and scored the right objective. The Ranger scored the near left objective, taking out a Tracer with some rather silly dice: I pulled my second Hunter, the only model I had left, out of my gate, and put down a second gate nearby.
Pulse 2.5:
The Reave moved up to body-block my Dusk Wolf, putting a second wound on it. The Headsman dropped down and killed the last Ranger and the nearby Hunter, knocking a point of Arc off a gate and scoring the objective. The Regulators popped out of the gate near the right objective, bringing the Witch Hounds with them this time. Karas summoned the Seigebreaker from the gate on the tower, and put a new gate down near the Tracers.
Pulse 2.6:
I pulled the Arc off a gate, collapsing it, and used a Cypher to fully charge the Dusk Wolf, who attacked the Headsman. Artemis Fang shot down a Regulator. collapsed my gate on the left to re-deploy the Hunter, and put down a new gate on the right.
Pulse 2.7... ?:
The Regulators were unable to kill Jax or the Strike Raptor. The Seigebreaker killed my left Hunter. Karas deployed the Paladin Enforcers and the Firebrand in the center of the table.
Pulse 2.8!:
The Hunter was the only model I had left to activate, but between him and a Cypher or two (I think I used a cypher that gave me another attack from Strike Raptor) I was able to kill the last two Regulators and a Witch Hound. I deployed my Rangers on the right, and put down a gate behind some scatter terrain on my left.
Pulse 3.1:
Both the Tune Up and Lock Down on my jacks remained. The Headsman killed my Dusk Wolf and scored the near left objective. I believe the Seigebreaker tried to finish off the Strike Raptor but failed. Karas used a cypher that would bring back a Regulator at the start of each of his turns.
Pulse 3.2:
I gave the Strike Raptor an Arc, then spiked for Flight. It then flew as far as it could towards the far left objective, killing Drayce and some Tracers on the way. Jax killed another Witch Hound, scoring the right objective. I used a cypher to advance the Rangers a bit. I brought in the Dusk Wolf again, and put down a new gate on the right.
Pulse 3.3:
A Regulator spawned. The Firebrand finally finished off my Strike Raptor. Something, either the Firebrand or possibly the Regulator Reave, wounded Artemis and set her on fire.
Pulse 3.4:
The Dusk Wolf took out the Headsman. The Hunter pushed up but didn't get anything done. I brough in the Strike Raptor again and put down another gate next to the Rangers.
Pulse 3.5:
Another Regulator spawned. The two Regulators and remaining Witch Hound attacked Jax; the first Regulator spiked his roll and took all 3 of her wounds in one hit, allowing them to score the objective. At this point there was no way for me to score the far left obective, meaning Karas won 14 points to 11:
It was a fun game. I was actually rolling really well on my defensive rolls, with models surviving far longer than they should. Part of that was down to trying to make sure my models were in cover of course. I got some pretty good dice on the attack too. As usual I was behind on points early and struggled to make them up. It didn't help that a lot of my turns I could only activate one unit as I didn't have any solos - and once I activated two solos as I didn't have any units. I need to pay more attention to keeping my deployed models balanced for more efficient activations.

The Strike Raptor was solid despite never having more than two Arc (often he was sitting on only one), but the Dusk Wolf might have been more consistant just because he was easier to bring in. Jax was surprisingly effective; she's not particularly strong on the offense, but with DEF 5 and 3 wounds with a reroll, her survivability was leagues ahead of my Hunters.

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