These were printed on a Longer Orange Mono 4K with black Elegoo Standard Photopolymer Resin. I was using an 0.025mm layer height at 1.5 seconds exposure per layer, with a 1 second light-off delay and no AA. It took me two attempts to get the supports set up so all the models printed without any missing bits.
They were primed with Vallejo 73.660 Surface Primer Gloss Black, then I airbrushed a zenithal basecoat of GreenStuffWorld Acrylic Color 1797 Forest Green, Vallejo 72.729 Game Air Sick Green, and Vallejo 72.732 Game Air Escorpina Green.
I went over their bellies in Formula P3 Menoth White Base. The eyes were Vallejo 72.005 Game Color Moon Yellow with a dot of Vallejo 70.950 Model Color Black. The claws were basecoated in Formula P3 Menoth White Highlight then given two coats of Citadel Shade Seraphim Sepia. Their crests and spines were painted in Vallejo 72.007 Game Color Gold Yellow then drybrushed with Citadel Layer Moot Green.
I picked out wood in GreenStuffWorld 1834 Quicksand Brown and leather in GreenStuffWorld 1832 Redwood Brown. Brass was Scalecolor SC-92 Victorian Brass over one of the two browns. Any bone was painted Vallejo 71.132 Model Air Aged White. Cloth and feathers were built up to Citadel Colour Base Mephiston Red. The arrow fletching was basecoated with Vallejo 72.008 Game Color Orange Fire. Stone weapons were simply Vallejo 70.950 Model Color Black.
After that was done I gave them all a dip in The Army Painter Quickshade Dip Strong Tone, making sure not to let it pool too heavily anywhere. After giving it a couple of days to fully dry, I went back and added some more details. The red cloth and feathers were given simple highlights of Vallejo 72.008 Game Color Orange Fire. The arrow fletching was given some highlight/detail with Vallejo 72.006 Game Color Sun Yellow. Brass was highlighted with Citadel Layer Auric Armour Gold, and leather with Citadel Layer Skrag Brown. I then picked out some skin details with a glaze of Citadel Glaze Lamenter's Yellow.
I then carefully applied a layer of Citadel Texture Blackfire Earth to the bases, which I washed with Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade then drybrushed with P3 Rucksack Tan. After this the base rims were cleaned up a bit (not enough) with some fine-grit sandpaper, then painted black. The models were then airbrushed with a coat of Vallejo 26.518 Matt Acrylic Varnish. Once this was dry I applied Vallejo 26.517 Gloss Acrylic Varnish onto the stone weapons, then after taking photos I ended up adding a dot of gloss varnish to the eyes as well.
I was trying to paint these guys quickly, using things like quickshade and only minimal, fairly simple, highlighting. I think they look pretty decent; certainly tabletop-worthy. I'm not sure if they would have turned out all that much better if I had tried to use more advanced techniques on them, as I'm not as good with organic models as I am with armoured or mechanical ones. I probably could have done the eyes a bit better, though it would have been a lot more painful to even try - I was actually very lucky with the eyes, and happened to get them mostly right first time, something of a miracle if I'm to be honest. Overall I'm happy with the models.
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