Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 End Of Year Report

OK, yeah, this was just a dumb year, so at least it's not all my fault this time.

Old Resolutions
I mean, I think I did OK in a couple of areas, but overall this year did not really feel like progress.

1. Plan my time more accurately and rigidly
I was writing up plans for the day most days for most of the year, but I was never able to get the hang of estimating how long things would take or, you know, actually sticking to the plan. And then towards the last three or four months I've really been struggling just to get out of bed. Metaphorically, not physically: I get out of bed just fine, but then I sit around not doing anything because I lack energy and motivation. After the first few weeks of, well, doing the bare minimum every morning, the habit of trying to write a proper plan for the day just... disappeared.

New Resolutions
I really just feel like I haven't been taking care of myself for a while; job stress and other stuff has left me... I dunno, it's like I've put my life on hold. So this year I want to prioritise basic living.

1. Plan my time
I've bought a new day planner and starting tomorrow I'm going to use it!

2. Stick to a good routine
I really feel like the lack of a proper routine is really hurting me. So I really need to get back to sleeping and waking at the same time every morning, and having a set time for a bit of stretching and exercising in the morning. But hey, a while back I bought an actual alarm clock and I've just set alarm, so starting from tomorrow I'm going to wake up at a more consistent time again.

2. Eat better
More veggies, more cooking, or just buying better take-out. For a while now I've been eating quite carb-heavy too; that needs to end.

3. Take better care of my home
What with the plague meaning that no-one has been coming over, I've not been doing enough housekeeping and the place is a right mess. I can't let this happen anymore. I need to figure out a way to make sure I don't slide. I'm thinking of making it at least a monthly thing to give the whole place a proper cleaning.

4. Stop chasing mental stimulation
I think I have always had some form of ADD. But lately it's been really bad; I'm constantly craving youtube videos, constantly switching to them from whatever I'm doing (much easier to do when you're at home all day) and I think it's really wearing me down. My attention span feels like it's seriously degraded. I need to "let myself be bored" throughout the day, as I think that's the only way to actually recharge so that I stay productive. I want to watch less youtube and read less manga, and instead take power naps or read actual dead tree books in my down time. Preferably ones that are actually useful.

You know, I think I'm feeling more optimistic this end-of-year than I was in the last one. Perhaps because I feel like I've fallen so far that there's no-where to go but up? Or maybe I'm just having a good day today. I just hope I can use the new year as a new start, and actual climb my way out of the hole I feel I've fallen into.

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