Thanks to the invaluable help of SuperRusty from the PP community hub, the Card Creator is now able to read large pre-made card data files. You can see an example of the data format here. To load existing card data, drag a folder containing the data JSON file (and any additional media) over the box below:
When loading pre-made data, you will need to find the data folder containing the Main Data JSON file. On Windows this will usually be in C:/users/[user]/AppData directory (or /home/[user]/.wine/drive_c/users/[user]/AppData directory if using the Windows version of the app in Wine under Linux). You will probably need to show hidden files to find it. If you are on a Mac, it should be somewhere in /Users/[user]/Library/Containers, you might be best off using a search function.
The cards are opened in new tabs, with four cards per new tab. If you are opening more than four cards at a time, your browser will probably block the consequetive tab opening events and give you a warning. If this happens you will need to tell your browser to give this page permission to open multiple tabs.
When exporting to PDF, please make sure the page scaling is set to 100% in your browser. You can specify the PDF size in mm. It is best if this matches the printable area of your printer. It is set to the full size of an A4 page by default; I find printing this at 100% (no scaling) works for me. You may have to experiment to find the best size for your setup.
Sometimes the PDF exporter will fail if you have too many cards. If this happens please try clicking on the "view cards" button first, then click on the "save pdf" button again after the cards have been displayed, and it might work.
Visual settings can be copied from a card by copying the displayed text in the "Save/load card settings" card menu option's dialogue box, then applied to all loaded cards by pasting the copied text in the "Card settings front" and "Card settings back" buttons' dialogue boxes in the data loader. Another way to apply universal settings is to create a folder named "Backgrounds" in the root folder that is dragged onto the loader; you can then place background images into the "Backgrounds" folder. By simply naming each image with the faction name, it will be used as a background image for all cards loaded for that faction, e.g. "Retribution Of Scyrah.jpg". Additionally the colour of fields and health boxes can be specified by including two colours in the file name, separated by underscores (this requires a final underscore before the file extension). For example: "Retribution Of Scyrah_rgba(255,255,255,0.9)_white_.jpg". To specify separate images for the front and back, add another underscore followed by 1 or 2, for example: "Cygnar_yellow_white_1_.jpg", "Cygnar_red_green_2_.jpg".
Lists can be written manually and saved as json files, then loaded using the dropdown box on the settings page.
Some cards cannot be automatically generated properly and may have some visual issues, usually related to the presence of too much text or data to properly display in the appropriate card element. This issues can usually be fixed manually. For more details on how to create or modify files, please read the tutorial. Feel free to comment or contact me on the Warmahordes or SFG discords if you encounter any bugs.