Saturday, September 7, 2024


Contwrath arranged a hobby day at a game store, bringing a box of Witcher models for people to paint. I had just a day or two earlier watched a video about painting OSL and was eager to try to emulate what I had seen, so I chose a model holding a lamp. I wanted to finish it in a single session so I tried to work very fast and loose. I also took the chance to test a new (cheap) brush and to work with some new paints - and some old paints that I rarely get to use.
I'm sorry for the crappy photos; I couldn't get my phone camera to take photos that weren't either too bright or too dark. I used my new Two Thin Coats' purple triad for the cloth, leaving the black primer in the lower recesses. I applied the highlights using a VERY simplified version of a technique from a Ninjon video I watched recently. I used a bunch of darker, less saturated greens and tans, many from Formula P3, for the skin, leather, and base. The bones on the base were Two Thin Coats Ivory Tusk. The stone was a couple of shades of Vallejo greys. I tried to add verdigris over the copper, but a wash (Agrax Earthshade maybe) seemed to cover it all up; a quick Gehenna's Gold highlight added a bit of shine. The skin was washed in Citadel Athonian Camoshade, the stone in Nuln Oil (before a light grey drybrush) - which I also dabbed onto the dirt to break up the colour before washing the whole base in in Agrax Earthshade. The glow, applied last, was Citadel Sotek Green then Temple Guard Blue, with small spots of Baharroth Blue on just the lamp itself.

It was a quick rough job, but I did finish the model in probably under 3 hours, and the results are not too bad. It was fun to paint in such a loose casual way, not getting hung up on details, and it was very encouraging to know that it's not actually impossible for me to get decent results relatively quickly. And of course it was great to hang out with people while doing it. I'm looking forwards to the next hobby day.

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