Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 End Of Year Report

This year did not feel productive to me. I'm not satisfied with what I achieved. I put a lot of time into several large hobby projects, but lost steam and motivation on every single one, leaving them unfinished. Part of this could be attributed to new responsibilities, but it's still depressing to think about it; I put a lot of time and effort into a bunch of hobby projects, but I haven't actually finished painting a miniature all year (technically I finished painting one model that was a gift, and I finished one miniature but didn't post about it because I was planning on finishing the rest of the set first), and that just makes me sad and depressed - I have SO MANY half-finished hobby projects. My sleep has been a bit messed up, perhaps as a consequence of this I haven't been able to adopt a routine in which I do regular exercise - at least I haven't been able to stick to such a routine for more than a few weeks at a time before getting distracted or just abandoning it for some other reason. Whether it's the lack of sleep or lack of exercise, my energy levels and concentration have been quite low. My eyesight seems to have detoriated too (especially in the last few months), I now need to use reading glasses if I want to paint with any measure of precision. I spend a lot of time lying in bed watching youtube or reading webcomics on my tablet; this is probably caused by and also contributes to my low energy levels and lack of sleep, but regardless I'd say it's basically an addiction at this point.

On the positive side, my work hasn't been as frustrating and stressful this year as it was the previous few years. I've been able to spend more time with family and friends. I feel like I've improved some of my hobby skills despite not actually seeing any projects through. And I want to believe I'm slowly (VERY slowly...) becoming a bit more accepting of the fact that life isn't and never will be perfect. I guess overall I'm feeling more positive than I have been the previous couple of years. Well, at least I hope I am.

Anyway, let's talke resolutions:

Old Resolutions:
Well, the exercise thing didn't happen. And I don't know if I've been spending less on hobbies, but I have definitely been spending a lot. Honestly, sometimes I'm not even sure what I've been spending all my money on, it just slips away.

New Resolutions:
To be honest, I'm starting to think that making a new-year's resolution actually makes it less likely to achieve something. So I kinda think I shouldn't even do it. But lately I have been meaning to try to put more effort into sleeping early, exercising, and spending less, so let's go with those. Fingers crossed.

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