I primed using Vallejo 73.660 Gloss Black Surface Primer. I then established a zenithal highlight on the skin by airbrushing Vallejo 70.862 Model Color Black Grey followed by Vallejo 70.992 Model Color Neutral Grey. I wanted the veins to not just be the exact same skin colour (but lighter), so I mixed some Black Grey with Formula P3 Menoth White Highlight to get a slightly warmer medium grey. Similarly for the scars I wanted to use the skin colour combined with a flesh colour, a sort of greyish pink... which I have hard time visualising. I tried to mix something like that up using Black Grey with Formula P3 Ryn Flesh, but it wasn't pink/red enough so I added some Citadel Colour Base Mephiston Red. This gave me a dark desaturated purple colour, which I decided was good enough.
I basecoated the fur in Green Stuff World 1831 Acrylic Color Choco Brown. I drybrushed all over with Citadel Layer Skrag Brown, then I drybrushed surfaces facing generally upwards with Formula P3 Rucksack Tan, and finally I lightly drybrushed the surfaces pointing directly upwards in Formula P3 Jack Bone.
I filled in the eye sockets with Vallejo 70.950 Model Color Black, then filled them in with Formula P3 Menoth White Highlight. I went back in and painted a large dot of the Black. I saw in photos that gorillas often had amber eyes, I figured a bright saturated red would be close enough and would stand out more so I carefully placed a smaller dot of Citadel Colour Base Mephiston Red on top. I did have to very carefully touch up the black outline afterwards.
I filled the mouth with Formula P3 Ryn Flesh, then picked out the teeth in Formula P3 Menoth White Highlight. For the nails I took the mix of Black Grey and Ryn Flesh I had been trying to use for the scars and added Menoth White Base. I don't think the Ryn Flesh actually contributed noticeably to the final colour. I added more Menoth White Base to the mix for the tips of the nails.
I basecoated the manacles and chains in Citadel Base Leadbeltcher. I drybrushed Citadel Colour Chainmail along the upper halves, then Vallejo 72.052 Game Colour Silver along the upper parts. This didn't create as much contrast as I had hoped, so I went over the topmost bits with a drybrush of Scalecolor SC-66 Metal N' Alchemy Speed Metal. I then glazed a mix of Leadbeltcher and Vallejo 71.073 Model Air Metallic Black with a lot of Formula P3 Mixing Medium and water along the lower parts, followed with a glaze of just the Metallic Black with Mixing Medium and water on the very lowerst parts.
With this all done, I slopped on a generous amount of The Army Painter Quickshade Dip Dark Tone, spreading it and preventing pooling with a brush. After this dried I found it had pooled too much on the tongue, so I went over the tongue again with Ryn Flesh, then carefully shaded it with a little bit of Citadel Shade Seraphim Sepia. I also touched up the Menoth White Highlight on the teeth.
I had been counting on the dark brown dip to tie the skin and fur together, but I wasn't satisfied with the result; the fur was too bright and saturated and the skin was not warm enough. So I lightly glazed over the skin with Seraphim Sepia, Mixing Medium and water (maybe around a 2:2:1 ration) to try to just give it a bit of warmth. Then I washed the fur with a mix of Citadel Shade Nuln Oil, Mixing Medium and water (again around a 2:2:1 ratio); alowing the wash to pool rairly heavily in the recesses of the fur. The glaze over the skin wasn't terribly even but it did add some subtle warmth, and the wash over the fur knocked down the colour saturation a bit and brought the shadows to a darker and more neutral black. All together the difference was subtle and yet to my eyes tied the fur and skin together much better, vastly improving the overall effect of the paintjob.
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After the Quickshade the skin is still quite cool and the fur is warm and bright. |
Lately I've come to the conclusion that the kind of edge-highlighting I like doing on things like armour plates at 35mm doesn't feel as good to me on these smaller scale models; I feel stuff like zenithal highlights feels better here, though I'm not sure how far to push the contrasts.
While I was using similar "quick painting" techniques to my Terrasaurs, with mainly airbrushing, washes and drybrushes rather than manually painted highlights and shading, I faced slightly different challanges compared to Terra Khan. Colour selection was the big thing here, as I needed to try to be more realistic. As a result I ended up mixing a lot more paint in an attempt to get subtle colour variations.
I think the end result could be better if I was willing to do more manual work, but to be honest the sculpt didn't really grab me the way some other Monpoc monsters have. Still, I'm happy with the final piece; I think it looks good and is actually much closer to King Kong than my Khan is to Godzilla. So that's something.
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