Homebrew Warcaster/Hordes Hybrid Faction

It is believed that the Hombres were once a single species who's evolution diverged along multiple pathsways. What's is so unusual about them however, is that all the resultant species appear to have formed strongly symbiotic relationships with each other. It is theorised that the bond is so strong that it has a telepathic component. Regardless, the result is a civilisation formed of vastly different organisms that are all closely genetically related, and that all work together to travel and spread across the stars.

Like most advanced civilisations, the Hombres are heavily reliant on Arc. However, they have special ways of processing and using Arc, as the different species have different inherent Arc manipulation abilities. How these abilities evolved is unknown, but is theorised to be a result of unique conditions on their home planet. If said planet is ever discovered, perhaps the truth behind their creation will be as well.

The Hombres (working title) are a Warcaster: Neo Mechanica homebrew faction that uses an altered version of the Arc mechanic. They differ from existing Warcaster factions in several main ways:
  • The Well can only hold 7 Arc, but there is no limit to the amount of Arc the army can have on the table.
  • When a model with Arc spikes or is destroyed, or loses the Arc in any other way, it does not return to the Well and is destroyed instead. This includes spending Arc to summon through Gates.
  • Rather than Warjacks they have Warbeasts.
  • Warbeasts cannot be allocated Arc.
  • Warbeasts generate a point of Arc every time they score an objective or remove a point of Arc from an enemy model (WIP)
  • Weavers can remove Arc from a friendly Warbeast in range and send it to the Well.
  • In addition to summoning models through Gates, they have other ways of bringing models onto the table that do not cost Arc. However these methods are not as good as using Gates.

Some examples of models to try to illustrate the playstyle:
Hombre Weaver: Hombre Solo
  • Special Action: Syphon: Target friendly faction Warbeast within 8". Remove all Arc from the Warbeast and place in the Well.
  • Syphon Amplifier: When this model is Charged the range of it's Syphon action is increased by 4".
  • Multitask: This model can Spike to immediately make a ranged or melee attack.
The Hombre Weaver will follow the Warbeasts to collect the Arc they generate, while also being close enough to the enemy to use Furies. Will probably need good defensive stats as they are vital to the Arc generation of the entire faction.

Hombre Burrower: Hombre Light Warjack
  • Thrusters: While charged, this model ignores movement penalties for rough terrain. Additionally, for each Arc this model is charged with, it gains +1 DEF.
  • Chain Reaction: When this model Spikes, the Arc can be transferred to another friendly Faction Warbeast within 6" instead of being discarded.
  • Hunker Down: This model can Spike to gain Cover until the start of its next activation.
  • Penetrating Claws (Arm): Melee, POW 2, Null Strike (clear 1 Arc from the unit or void gate hit by this weapon), Armor-Piercing (when resolving a damage roll for an attack made with this weapon, reduce the target’s ARM by 1).
I see the Borrower as a fast melee Warbeast that "steals" Arc from enemy models. "Chain Reaction" can help pass Arc back to the Weavers even if the Burrowers get too far ahead. I used Thrusters as an example of a mobility rule, but realistically they should have a high native Speed stat and might need other non-Arc dependant speed/movement buffs.

Hombre Demolitionist: Hombre Heavy Warjack
  • Defensive Stance: This model gains cover while within 1" of an objective.
  • Ion Flow Cannon (Shoulder): Ranged, POW 5, Null Strike (clear 1 Arc from the unit or void gate hit by this weapon).
The Demolitionist is an example of a hard-hitting heavy Warbeast that can generate Arc without needing to close with the enemy, by holding objectives or just shooting. However it should only be able to generate a limited amount of Arc through shooting, or at least it shouldn't be able to do so from too far away.

Vanguard: Hombre Solo
  • Deployed First: One Vanguard can be deployed on the table in the controller player's deployment zone when placing gates.
  • Beacon: If there are no friendly Burrowers currently on the table, One Burrower can be deployed within 1" of this model during the summoning phase.
  • Charger: If thise model removes an Arc from an enemy model, it can Generate one Arc on a friendly gate within 8".
  • Ion Flow Rifle:: Ranged, POW 5, Null Strike (clear 1 Arc from the unit or void gate hit by this weapon).
Since Hombres can become very Arc Starved, the Vanguard is a model that helps keep them on the table and helps keep Gates charged, contributing slightly to their Arc generation.

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