Monday, May 13, 2024

A Game In The Background

I played a super-casual game with Contwrath. We were hanging out with a couple of guys at the gaming store so we were less focussed on playing the game and more on demonstrating it. In the end we stopped halfway as it was pretty late, but it was a very fun time. Highlights include Contwrath's Savage Swarm doing 9 damage in one turn to Kondo thanks to Xixorax's Super Damage on his Power Attacks.
Building power bases and blowing up buildings

Xixorax is thrown around, leaving him in Hyper

Kondo is knocked down to 2 health in one turn!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Hail Maries Are Fun

I played very carelessly last game, so I was happy to get another game in, hopefully I would actually remember to pay attention to little things like threat ranges this time. I've been exploring a lot of list ideas in the app over the last few weeks - thematic ones, skewy ones, gimmicky ones, all sorts really - but I wanted to give Strakhov another chance first, so I ran almost the same list as before, only replacing Sylyss with the Koldun Lord to help me with armour:
Khador Unlimited 50pts
Strakhov 1
Cylena & the Nyss Hunters
Croe's Cutthroats
Battle Mechanics
Alexia 3
Koldun Lord
Ol' Grim
*Grave Robbing
*Hit & Run
*Old Faithful
*Power Swell

Karas was excited to try Cygnar's new Karchev. Sorry, I mean Karchev. Oops, my bad, what I meant to say was the new large-based Cygnar warcaster, Karchev-with-a-jetpack-and-a-gun-instead-of-an-axe.
Storm Legion 50pts
Huxley (Electrify, Jackhammer)
-Strike-her (Relentless Charge, Voltaic Javelin, 40K Fist)
-The General (OP-Head, Gun-Sword, Red-Light)
Arcane Mechanics
Tempest Thundercats
Stormblade Legionnaires
-Standard Bearer
*Old Faithful
*Power Swell
*Probably some other cards, idk

We've been having issues with scenarios; the current Steamroller scenarios feels too complex, at least for 50 points. After asking for some advice online, it was suggested that the Brawlmachine scenarios were decent for smaller games. A quick search brought up version 1.2 of the Brawlmachine rules, I skimmed down and snap-picked the "Binary" scenario, because it seemed simple but with a good number of objectives.

We used 6inch zones (I think the scenario called for 12", but we weren't sure and just kinda felt that was too big), which according to the linked Steamroller could only be scored by units and warcasters). For the 40mm flags, which could only be scored by warcasters and solos, I used my old plasticard discs. I threw some terrain onto the table and tried not to make it too symmetrical, while still hopefully being balanced. Karas won the roll and chose to go first, so I picked the side with more forests because I have a lot of pathfinder and my guys like to stand in forests for concealment - especially Strakhov.

Karas placed his infantry on my right, ready to head for his zone. Since he didn't have any solos to score the flag, he put his battlegroup on that side so Cygchev could score it instead. I put my Nyss on the right, with Ol' Grim ready to grab the flag. Everything else went on my left. The I chose the Thunderers to be the Cutthroats' Prey target.

Round 1:
Karas got into position to score, even though scoring wouldn't start until next round. He put Electrify on the Stryker and Failsafe on The General.

My Kodiak "accidentally" vented steam before running to the zone, instantly and painlessly killing a mechanic. At least that's what the official report sent to his wife and children said. The part about Alexia reanimating his corpse as a Thrall was not mentioned in said report. Strakhov cast Assail on the Juggernaut and moved up into the forest. The remaining mechanics, Koldun Lord, and Strak's bony new shield-guard buddy followed.

The Nyss Hunters moved up and opened fire on the Legionnaires, only killing one. I used the Grave Robbing card to give Ol' Grim an unearned soul, then used a couple of well-aimed bullets to steal two more from the Legionnaires. I wanted to load him up to start putting boosted POW 12's into harder targets later, but I did spend one soul for +3 DEF, leaving him with two.

I didn't know what to do with the Cutthroats; it didn't look like they were going to be able to do any work on my left, so I bit the bullet and ran them all to the right. Alexia followed them into the forest, making sure to stay close enough to the Thrall for him to take advantage of her (now properly worded, thank you PP) Shield-Guard aura.

Round 2:
The remaining Legionnaires charged the Nyss Hunters, not doing much. The Thunderers then advanced into the zone and fired on Ol' Grim. The first AOE attack missed, but a big damage roll on the POW 8 blast damage was enough to kill the soul-laden spectre. The other shot into the Nyss Hunters, killing Cylena and one of her friends. I replaced Cylena - who was only just in range of Alexia) with a fresh Thrall (proxied by an unpainted Laddermore who had been converted to be holding a sword).

The Stryker shot at the Juggernaut for some damage, then repositioned back. I believe The General did too, and put up Polarity Field while he was at it. Huxley also chipped in some damage, but a low roll meant it wasn't too bad.

I allocated two focus to the Kodiak and dropped Assail as I wasn't going to use it this turn, but was going to use some focus. The Nyss killed two Legionnaires, and the Thrall took out the last one. The Cutthroats moved up and shot at the Thunderers, managing to kill one. Alexia ran across to base the flag so I could score.

The Koldun Lord cast Puppet Master on Strakhov. The Hoff then Feated and moved into the zone to cast an uboosted Hand of Destruction at The General. I needed a 6, and missed. Luckily I gave him Pupper Master for just this reason, allowing me to reroll the attack roll. I missed again. I then landed three unboosted Riot Gun shots, burning the Power Swell card to give me enough focus to boost the damage on all three for an OK number of boxes. The Kodiak trampled up to The General, buying two attacks and missing them both. He then Vented Steam and repositioned backwards - the cloud wouldn't save the Kodiak, but it would make it harder to reach the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut just stood at the back of the zone, where the Mechanics could walk up and heal a few boxes (very few; they only healed 3 between them). I realised that the Thrall was too far from Alexia to use Shield Guard, so I moved him away from the rest of the group so at least he wouldn't get killed by any blast damage or a stray Electroleap.

I had Alexia and Strakhov in position to score, Karas had Huxley and the Thunderers, so we both scored two points.

Round 3:
I believe this was the turn Huxley Feated, casting Full Throttle to help his jacks kill the Kodiak. He also shot Strakhov for 11 damage. I think Karas used the Old Faithfull card this turn. The Thunderers charged into the Cutthroats, making sure each Thunderer was only engaged by one Cutthroat - the plan was for each to kill a Cutthroat in melee then use Dual Attack to put an AOE shot into my mass of low-ARM infantry. Unfortunately they both missed their melee attack, so each could only kill one Cutthroat with a POW 8 blast damage roll. I replaced one with another Thrall, proxied by Ol'Grim. The Arcane Mechanics ran over to score the zone in the Thunderer's stead. This meant we both scored two points again, keeping the score even.

I loaded up the Juggernaut. The new Thrall moved to base my flag. The remaining Cutthroats killed the last two Thunderers, giving me yet another Thrall (proxied by Sorscha). An older Thrall charged a Mechanic, leaving him on one box. The three remaining Nyss Hunters charged the other two Mechanics; the first two rolled low on damage and just chipped away at him, then the third one cranked the damage roll and completely overkilled him, invalidating everything the first two had done.

The Koldun Lord put Pupper Master on Strakhov again, who moved up and cast Hand Of Destruction on the Stryker, then did a bunch of damage with his gun before repositioning into the forest. I also recast Assail on the Juggernaut. I made a stupid math mistake earlier on, thinking the Juggernaut could charge the Stryker and get into melee range of The General, but actually no, he could barely make it to the Stryker. So the Juggernaut made one charge attack - which crit and left the Stryker stationary with three damage boxes left, suffering from crippled left arm and movement systems - then got pushed back out of range by Electrify, leaving my jack with three unused focus.

Sadly I had nothing else in range to try to finish off the The mechanics ran into the zone to score, doing what they could to block LOS to strakhov. The original Thrall ran back to be in 3" of Strakhov again, and Alexia - now free of scoring duties - ran back into the forest, making sure to get close enough for the Thrall to get Shield Guard again. With the far right zone contested, I scored two points and Karas scored one, putting me one point in the lead.

Round 4:
Huxley swapped Failsafe onto the Stryker so it could ignore the crippled systems, and put Electrify onto The General instead. I think Karas used Power Swell this turn to help Huxley cast Jackhammer on the Stryker, but it might have been last turn. Huxley and the General then finished off the Juggernaut. This allowed the Stryker to charge a Mechanic and get close enough to ignore Strakhov's Stealth. The Stryker killed the Mechanic and gunned down the Thrall to deny Strakhov a Shield-Guard, but luckily missed his actual shot at the 6-health, 0-focus Strakhov.

One Arcane Mechanic killed the last three Nyss Hunters with stupid hot rolls on a single spray attack. The other one brained the Thrall engaging him. They didn't have any attacks left to try to kill the last contesting Thrall though, meaning they couldn't score the zone. I still had a Thrall on my flag, and Huxley was still on Karas' flag, so we scored one point each.

Well, I was all out of jacks, so I really needed some luck if I was going to do anything now. I debated upkeeping Hand of Destruction on the Stryker, but decided Strakhov wasn't going to be able to put any attacks into it, so I needed to commit all my focus to The General and let the upkeep drop. I remembered Alexia had a POW 14 spell and put it into the Stryker, but I rolled low on damage and did nothing to the ARM 20 jack. This left the Koldun Lord, who I REALLY needed to come through for me. I used a command card to give him Blessed weapons, and charged him into the Stryker. He crit the attack roll, meaning that he didn't need the Blessed weapons since he Dispelled Failsafe. With the Stryker now at ARM 18 with three remaining boxes, I needed to roll at least an 11 on three dice to kill it... I rolled a 12!
Killing the Stryker triggered Battle Wizard, allowing the Koldun Lord to cast Brittle Frost on The General to reduce his ARM by 2 - a crucial part of my plan. The last remaining Mechanic charged The General but missed the attack. The Cutthroats charged their new Prey targers, the Arcane Mechanics, and finished them off. The Thrall on that side ran around the back of the central building to start to threaten Huxley.

All that was left was to activate Strakhov. I cast Hand of Destruction on The General, and actually landed it this time. Strakhov charged into base contact and hit with his Trench Sword, getting pushed an inch back. I rolled two Riot Gun shots, hitting with both and boosting the damage, amazingly putting The General down on the second shot. Strakhov could have still made one melee attack with boosted damage if needed.
I repositioned Strahov backwards, for what it was worth. I now held two zones and a flag, scoring three points to Karas' one. This put me a total of three points ahead.

Round 5:
We spent at least ten minutes discussing the best way for Huxley to try to assassinate Strakhov. Should he take an aimed Mag-Bolter shot in Ground Assault configuration? Or use Sky Stormer configuration to just charge in to melee and start swinging? Finally Karas settled on his plan: charge in, take one swing, cast Ground Zero and boost the guaranteed POW 13 damage roll, then follow up with a boosted Mag-Bolter shot. With his course mapped out, Karas activated Huxley and casually took down Strakhov with his first attack.

Post-Mortem: Man, that was a good game! The last couple of turns were very exciting as we made increasingly desperate moves. We both had good dice at times and bad dice at times. I made mistakes, but overall I felt like I was doing a decent job of balancing agression with caution, sending models forwards knowing they would die, but also knowing it was necessary to push the battle lines to enable me to score. I also remembered the command cards this time. I should have used Old Faithful earlier, in my head I was saving it for fixing crippled systems so I could still allocate focus, but then never got the chance to use it. Blessed happened to not matter because of a crit, but it was certainy good to have. In retrospect I could have used the Reposition card to move the Juggernaut back after attacking the Stryker; this might have been enough for the Mechanics to reach him and repair a few boxes.

I liked the scenario, I thought it worked well at 50 points. It was relatively simple but had enough scoring elements that we had to spread out and push up. I do believe it favoured me, especially with the terrain being set up the way it was: Karas didn't have any solos so he absolutely had to glue Huxley to the flag to keep scoring - luckily for him Huxley was capable to contributing reasonably well from that position. Meanwhile I just kept generating more solos as the game went on. The action basically happening on two lanes also separated the infantry from the jacks, denying him Vengeance triggers when I killed his infantry. And the forest being close to my zone was good for Strakhov's survivability.

I pretty much knew Strakhov was unlikely to survive after killing The General, but that's OK, just killing that damned jack was a victory in itself. He just has SO MANY rules, and they're ALL really good! And then Electrify on top is just overkill. So yeah, I may have lost the game but I'm claiming a moral victory for finally taking that damned thing down.

Alexia3 felt much better this game; being able to create a steady supply of solos worked well for me, and having a shield-guard was a big deal against Huxley's long-range stealth-ignoring armour-piercing boostable gun. The Kodiak being able to cheat out a Thrall in my first turn feels like a big deal though; otherwise it would have been very hard to get a Thrall close the Strakhov early on.

Strakhov himself felt good to activate. I'm not sold on his toolkit or his playstyle (which I'm still trying to discover I guess), but his face card is amazing. Speed 7, Pathfinder, Reposition, Prowl, Alchemical Mask, Dual Attack, Pistol, Takedown; Strakhov basically ignores half the restrictions in the game! I don't know if he's strong, and the tools he has to support his army all feel set up for one big turn rather than the kind of slower game I tend to find myself playing, but there was just something liberating about being able to move 7", ignoring rough terrain, and also move another 3" afterwards, making a decent volume of quality attacks then passively gaining stealth.

Nyss Hunters were decent, which is better than they usually end up performing. As always they are kind of just OK at whatever they need to do, as long as they survive long enough to get the chance to do it. Cutthroats did work this game; two attacks with Prey and Poison worked out quite well against Karas' tougher infantry. Feels like they can be good in the right situations.

Huxley didn't feel crazy powerful, but my impression is that he's pretty good, and pretty fun to play. He isn't doing too much that's too useful mid-game if your opponent has Shield Guards, but he brings some good battlegroup support and, as we saw, he can present a good late-game threat. He did seem complicated to play though: not only do his stats, including weapon stats, change when he changes configuration, so do his base rules - including his field marshal! That means his jacks gain or lose Reposition or Pathfinder depending on his configuration! We didn't realise until halfway through the game that the Stryker and The General should not have been repositioning backwards after shooting!

I did notice that not having Pathfinder is a LOT less punishing that it used to be, and measuring is a lot easier since it's a flat -2 rather than having to break down your movement. I am OK with this change (even though a lot of my favourite models already have pathfinder and that's less of an advantage now than it used to be).

We might be moving up to 75 points next game. 50 points is tight, but I feel it's just enough to write a functional list if you forgo the bells and whistles. At least with my models. And even at 50 we play slow enough that games take a while. Perhaps we should put a time limit and score the game based on objective points if we run out of time? I am NOT ready for an actual deathclock though!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Rustier Than I Thought

Another game of Warmachine Mk4. I decided Alexia1 wasn't working for me, so I swapped her for Alexia3 and a unit of Mechanics; this would give me repair, shield-guards, and a point left to upgrade my Marauder.
Khador Unlimited 50pts
Strakhov 1
Nyss Hunters
Battle Mechanics
Ol' Grim
Alexia 3
Blessing of the Gods
Grave Robbing
Hit & Run
Old Faithful
Power Swell

Karas had just aquired The General. He's always hated my snipers, so this game he tried to counter Ol' Grim with his own Sharpshooter.
Storm Legion 50pts
Athena (Electrify, Jackhammer)
-The General
-Stryker (Relentless Charge, Voltiac Javelin, Power First)
Stormblade Legionnnaires
Stormthrower Legionnaires
Arcane Mechanics
Careful Reconnaissance
True Inspiration
Hit & Run
Old Faithful
Power Swell

We glanced at the Steamroller 2024 document, but all the scenarios seemed quite complicated, and a had a lot of scoring elements for a 50 point game. However Karas had a version of the Mk4 rulebook from 10/01/2024 that included a scenario called "Split Decision", which we decided to use as it was simple and had a more reasonable number of scoring elements. Karas won the roll and chose to go second.

I decided Strakhov would live in the forest, giving him constant Stealth. The Kodiak would come out of the forest to threaten the zone, and the Juggernaut would be more central. Ol' Grim would take advantage of the forests on the right. I put Alexia in the center so she could move to get my infantry in her bubble as needed. Support went behind my battlegroup. Karas bricked up in the center of his table. I put the Cutthroats on my left and the Nyss on my right. I believe I declared the Cutthroat's Prey to be The General.

Round 1
The Nyss headed for the trench. Strakhov put Assail on the Kodiak, walked into the forest, and spent the rest of his focus putting Return Fire on himself and a bunch of Nyss Hunters. The Cutthroats stepped into the zone. The Kodiak ran through the forest, while the Juggernaut ran around it. Ol' Grim got a Soul from the Grave Robbing command card and headed to the right. Alexia killed a Mechanic and replaced him with a Thrall... which we later realised I couldn't do, so later on you'll see the Thrall disappear and a Mechanic reappear.

Karas put Hallowed Avenger on the General - which it turns out was redundant because The General already has Righteous Vengeance - and Electrify on the Stryker. Everything moved up in his big brick.

Round 2:
I popped Strakhov's Feat, then pushed him up a little to try to take advantage of the part of his feat that nerfs the enemy's gun's range. I did camp all his focus just to be on the safe side. The Cutthroats shot at the Stormblade Legionnaires, but couldn't do any damage. I spread them out with the Repo move to avoid AOEs and electroleaps. The Kodiak ran in the middle to bully the zone. The Nyss Hunters moved into the trench and rolled like fire, killing five Stormthrower Legionnaires with five shots. Which is kinda insane; these are the guys who almost always disappoint me, consistently missing and dying without actually achieving anything.
Reeling in shock, I left them in the trench to try to push the lines past my flag. The Juggernaut pushed up to stop anything from contesting my flag as well. Ol' Grim moved behind the forest, then spent a soul to shoot at a mechanic with his double-boosted Fantom Seeker shot. Even with a boosted POW 12 damage roll, he wasn't quite able to kill a single mechanic, leaving it on one box. Which is crazy to me. Alexia based the flag.

Thanks to the Nyss' amazing performance, The General was able to take his Righteous Vengeance move and get into charge range of Strakhov. Athena Feated and swapped Electrify to The General, the Stryker killed all my Nyss (and the Thrall that Alexia created from a Nyss corpse), and The General managed to take down Strakhov with his last bit of Focus. The Stormblades could have gotten three or four men into Strakhov too, so it wasn't exactly close.

Funny how my Nyss actually doing a great job was what lost me the game... alright, seriously, my carelessness is what lost me the game. I just kinda eyeballed Strakhov's position and said to myself "That's probably fine". I didn't measure any ranges or anything. And I completely forgot about Righteous Vengeance. I feel like I'm very rusty. I need to start paying attention and trying to remember how to play.

Seriously though, The General is kinda silly; SPD 6 with a MAT 8 RNG 2" POW 19 weapon is already very strong, but then he has a built-in 3" threat extension? Why are Cygnar heavies SPD 6 anyway? And why are Mechanics ARM 17 with 5 boxes? Maybe I need to bring Destroyers or something.

So far I just feel like Mk4 is worse than Mk3. Unit movement is faster... as long as you're not doing anything interesting. The moment your movement interacts with anything on the table, it becomes unintuitive and you have to learn a whole new set of rules that you didn't need to know before. And units have to be so bunched up all the time; I've always liked spreading out my grunts a bit, but now you can't really do that. The legacy themes are boring and extremely restrictive: there's some essential options that are missing from some themes, we barely even get to use any warcaster attachments! Unlimited is better, but all my units are half the size and since I run a lot of character units I can't just double-up. Power attacks were a fun part of the game even if they were rarely worth actually doing, but they've been nerfed so badly that all the fun is just gone. And hell, I can't even attack my own models with basic attacks now! Nevermind that they took a lot of the fun out of my favourite warcasters (Strakhov, Karchev, Butcher2).

I'm not sold on the command cards either. I feel like they de-value a lot of rules: if you expect Stealth to do anything, you probably need to bring a lot of it because just one Stealth model is easy prey. Ditto for ARM or DEF buffs, what with the Blessed command card. And of course rules that counter Stealth or Blessed aren't as useful since you can just bring a card instead. Yeah, the card is single-use, but that could be all you need (if you need it at all). Tough, Repair, all can be covered with cards instead of models.

Also Focus management used to be a core part of the game, but there's so much easy access to Empower now that you don't really need to allocate focus anymore, so managing it as a resource isn't that important. Between Power Up, Accumulator, and mechanics having Empower, the Cygnar heavies technically didn't need any allocation to be at max focus.

I dunno. I'm trying here, but I'm starting to sour a bit on this new edition. Well, maybe dusting off my brain and figuring out how to play again will make me feel better about the game.

Monday, February 12, 2024

He's Not The 'Hoff Anymore

It's hard to believe it's been a whole year since I've played a game of Warmachine. PP has released Mk4 rules for old models since the last time, so list building is a lot more interesting and fun to me now.

For this game I just brought my standard Merc infantry with a couple of cheap jacks and some solos. I did try to prioritise playing models that are actually painted, like Alexia and Sylyss. Also I figured I should really play Old Grim; he's the last WMH model I painted but I never got a chance to use him.
Khador Unlimited 50pts
Strakhov 1
Alexia & the Risen
Cylena & the Nyss
Croe & the Cutthroats
Jolly Ol' Saint Grim
*Blessing of the Gods
*Grave Robbing
*Hit & Run
*Old Faithful
*Power Swell

Karas had picked up the Mk4 Cygnar Storm Legion starter.
Storm Legion 50pts
Athena 1 (Electrify, Jackhammer)
-Stryker (Plasma Nimbus, Voltaic Javelin, Space Marine Power Fist)
-Courser (Shield Guard, Mag-Bolter, Electrified Shield)
Stormguard Legionnaires
-Standard Bearer
Tempest Thunderers
Arcane Mechaniks
Legionnaire Officer
*Hit & Run
*Old Faithful
*Power Swell
*True Inspiration

We wanted to get straight into it so we tossed some mousemat terrain on the table, put down a couple of buildings, and settled for a basic caster-kill game. I won the roll and chose to go first.

The buildings essentially split the table into three lanes. I wanted Strakhov to be somewhat central, but positioned Ol' Grim to apply pressure from a flank. I chose to not to ambush my units, relying on advanced deployment instead. After Karas bricked up in the center I kept my infantry relatively central as well. Cutthroats declared Prey on the Thunderers.

Round 1:
Strakhov cast Assail on the Marauder, and Return Fire on himself. I played Grave Robbing on Alexia, who advanced and crafted a Thrall. Everything else just ran.

Karas moved his entire army laterally, hiding behind a forest. Athena put Hallowed Avenger on the Courser, and Electrify on the Striker.

Round 2:
Strakhov Feated and ran. Alexia crafted another Thrall. Everything ran forwards while staying in Feat range.

In true Cygnar fashion, Karas moved all his models backwards.

Round 3:
I pushed further up. Cast Return Fire on Strakhov again. Ol' Grim killed a couple of Legionnaires and claimed their souls. The Nyss killed two more. Alexia crafted a Thrall.

Athena popped her Feat. The Legionnaire Officer killed Old Grim. The remaining Legionnaires put some damage on the Juggernaut, wiping out the Nyss with the AOEs. Something else shot the Juggernaut but finished off the Legionnaires with AOEs or Electroleaps or something. The Courser did some more damage, then the Striker finished off the Juggernaut, and also shot down Alexia. Which was annoying; she had like 6 or 7 corpse tokens on her at this point.

Round 4:
This was the second turn I had failed to keep Sylyss in range to give Strakhov a free upkeep. Oh well. Strakhov loaded up the Marauder, then cast Hand Of Destruction on the Striker with a boosted attack roll and Arcane Secrets. Being under Athena's feat meant I rolled 5 dice and dropped the lowest AND the highest. The spell hit. I then rolled two shots on Strakhov's Riot Gun; with no focus left to boost, the attack and damage rolls were four dice each, dropping lowest and highest. This did some damage, then Strakhov repo'd backwards. After this the Marauder charged in. Because of Electrify's Repulsor Field, I decided to go for the combo-smite. Sadly the Marauder lost the +4 damage on the Combo Smite in Mk4, which... actually kind a makes him a MUCH less attractive choice now than he was before. I boosted the attack and damage rolls, so again I was rolling 5 dice and dropping two. The Striker's left arm was crippled, but that was about it. The Cutthroats charged in, but were only able to kill one Mechanik. This triggered Hallowed Avenger on the Courser, so I ran a Thrall to box him in. The other two thralls moved up to be in charge range next turn, and the Risen put themselves in front of Strakhov.

Everyting piled into the Marauder. Somehow the Courser actually managed to miss an attack...
Still, between the Thunderers, the Legionnaire Officer, and the Striker, Karas killed everything and put 7 damage on Strakhov with an Open Fire shot of the Courser's Armour-Piercing gun.

Round 5:
Strakhov used Power Swell for a focus and moved up to get LOS on Athena. She was in a trench and in base contact with the Courser, putting her at DEF 18 ARM 19. I cast a boosted Hand of Destruction, but it missed. I rolled three shots on the Riot Gun; the first boosted attack hit but was shield-guarded by the Courser. The next two missed. I cast Convection and missed.
Another unboosted Open Fire shot from the Courser did 5 more damage, leaving Strakhov at 5, but a boosted attack during it's activation missed. The Thunderers missed their attacks, and their AOE damage did nothing. Finally the Striker charged in and managed to connect, finishing off Strakhov.

I think we played much better than last time, I felt more confident about my understanding of the rules; I think we still made mistakes, but probably less than last time. Not playing a scenario obviously was an issue, but we both played to our faction's characters: I charged forwards agressively as befits a Khadoran while Karas cowered in the corner like a typical Cygnaran.

I still can't believe how much they changed Strakhov. He's a completely different model now. I don't think he's bad or anything; he has some good tools, and a LOT of rules on his own card. But he's lost a lot of the things I liked about him in Mk2 and Mk3. He just feels a bit boring now; he has a basic warjack speed buff, a single-target debuff, a mostly-defensive feat, and a good gun with some rules and stats to allow him to use it. It's just not that interesting; he doesn't make his army dance around like he used to, he won't wreck face like a Butcher or a Karchev... I dunno. I just don't feal anything when I read his card.

I'm going to stick with Strakhov 1 for now; he'll probably work better when playing a scenario. I'll make iterative changes to my army as is my preference, rather than changing the whole list all at once. This is also partly because I do want to try to put painted models on the table. Unfortunately my painting queue is a little full right now with non-WMH stuff, but hopefully later in the year I'll be able to get some Khador stuff painted and start to run some new lists.\

Saturday, January 20, 2024

He Is Legion... Naire

I painted up Legionnnaire for a friend. I used the official colour scheme as my inspiration, but using glazes over metallics for the colours. The teal came out quite nicely. The orange basically ended up as copper, which looks nice enough (if a little patchy in places). I considered yellow for the glows, but ultimately stuck with blue like the studio model. One thing I realised was that a lot of the larger areas that looked like they should be glowing were actually pointing downwards, meaning the glow doesn't really show up that well when viewing normally.
In the past I have painted my Monpoc models before glueing them to the clear bases, but that can be a hassle so I've changed the way I work. I glued Legionnaire to his base using superglue mixed with Green Stuff World 2400 Dye For Resins Black. After fixing the model in a painting handle I modified from Aktalion's painting handle, I applied a protective layer of Talens 052 Liquid Masking Film over the base (top and bottom). I used a grey primer, most likely Tamiya 87064 Fine Surface Primer Light Grey.

I airbrushed a basecoat of Vallejo 71.073 Model Air Metallic Black thinned with Green Stuff World 1880 Airbrush Retarder. This was a very frustrating process as the airbrush kept getting clogged; I think the paint was getting old and a bit lumpy, perhaps I needed to shake the bottle more? I ended up using a printer resin filter to filter the airbrush paints after that to try to avoid any more stoppages.

After the basecoat I applied a zenithal of Vallejo 71.072 Model Air Metallic Gunmetal, which I over-thinned with the airbrush retarder, required the addition of some P3 Mixing Medium to get a useable consistency. I think I airbrushed this from too low an angle, maybe 75 degrees, as it covered too much of the model and didn't leave enough of the black metal basecoat. I followed this with Vallejo 72.052 Game Color Silver (again with airbrush retarder and mixing medium used together to try to get a useable consistency) from around 15 degrees above.

I edge-highlighted the whole model with Scale75 SC-66 Speed Metal. This is a very bright, whitish metal, that I use for my highlights because it's brighter than most silvers. However I do find it hard to manage the consistency to get a fine enough flow for delicate highlighting; at least that's one reason why my highlights were a bit thick and rough. I found I needed to use low-magnification reading glasses just to be able to focus enough on the model in front of my face to be able to do highlighting; my vision has deteriorated somewhat and it looks like I'm going to need reading glasses to paint from now on. It's a little depressing, but hey: it could be worse. Trying to match the studio model's teal colour, I mixed together around 10 drops of P3 Turquise Ink and 14 drops of P3 Blue Ink, with at least 20 drops of Vallejo 73.596 Glaze Medium. This gave quite a nice teal, and the flow was very manageable for laying down a thin consistent glaze in a single coat. For the orange, I experimented and ended up with a mix of P3 Red Ink, a little P3 Blazing Ink, and a lot of Glaze Medium (at least as much glaze medium as ink). I wasn't able to control the quantites as well so I don't know exactly how much I used. I also used a touch of unthinned Blazing Ink for the golden badge on Legionnaire's waist.

I picked out a few spots of the remaining steel to shade with a roughly 1:1 mix of Citadel Shade Nuln Oil and Glaze Medium, just to add a touch of definition to some of the more detailed areas where I didn't think any of the previous colours made sense. Iirc this was basically the small barrels on each side of each hand, and the turbine-like details in the feet (which I decided I didn't want to try to apply a glow to). I made a very thin black using a mix of Vallejo 72.751 Game Air Black, Glaze Medium, and P3 Mixing Medium, which I painted into the panel lines and recesses. This gave me more control than a black wash like Nuln Oil, without being too dark. To be honest a lot of the panel lines were deep enough that they looked pretty good without the additional shading, but I did it anyway because I felt it would improve the contrast and make some of the boundries look a little cleaner, and it might have looked a bit strange if I shaded the areas that did need shading but then left the panel lines unshaded. One thing I found interesting is that the copper areas ended up feeling less orange-y after shading the recesses, as the recesses had ended up more intense and saturated than the raised areas. You can see the effect in the photos below, which were taken part-way through the shading process: I basecoated the glowing areas with Vallejo 72.021 Game Color Magic Blue. I then applied a wash of Citadel Colour Shade Drakenhof Nightshade, which may not have been necessary. I painted a layer of The Army Painter WP1114 Warpaints Crystal Blue, then I drybrushed the glows and the surrounding areas in the Magic Blue. This was followed by a layer of The Army Painter WP1432 Warpaints Ice Storm. I felt the Crystal Blue was too close to the Magic Blue to be worth drybrushing, so instead I drybrushed a mix of the Crystal Blue and Ice Storm (over a smaller area). This still didn't work too well tbh. Anyway, I followed it with a layer of Formula P3 Morrow White, then a drybrush of just Crystal Blue (over an even smaller area).

I had intended to stop here, but I wasn't happy with how it was looking. So I went back over everything with a very light drybrush of Morrow White. I think this helped a lot; not only did it noticeably brighten everything, it also caught the edges around the glowing areas, significantly improving the "cast light" effect. I considered trying to apply a shade of dark blue to recesses immediately around the glows to increase the contrast (a surprisingly effective little trick I picked up from a fellow going by GuitaRasmus), but I decided it wasn't needed. Then (actually after the first varnish) I decided it actually was needed in some spot, so I carefully applied a pinwash of Drakenhof Nightshade into the recesses around many of the glows. And I'm glad I ultimately went back and made the effort because I think it did significantly improve the look of some of the glowing areas, such as the eyes and the gun. After all this I varnished with Mr. Hobby GX 112 Mr. Color UV Cut Gloss then Mr. Hobby GX 113 Mr. Color Flat (both thinned with Mr. Hobby Mr. Color Thinner 110). Finally I removed the liquid mask from the base, giving brushing it under a bit of running water to clear off any residue.

The glazing was quite experimental; last time I tried to glaze colour over metals (on my Exo-Armours) it didn't work and I ended up stripping the paint. So I actually applied a layer of matt varnish after highlighting the bare metal, before starting the gloss, so I would at least have a chance of removing the glaze without having to strip the whole model. And I'm glad I did because that helped me fix a couple of problem spots later, using a touch of Masters Brush Cleaner on a fine brush to slowly clean away some mistakes so I could repaint the areas.

Luckily the glazes did work quite well. I think a lot of this has to do with the Vallejo glaze medium; not only does it help achieve a good consistency/flow for glazing, it also SIGNIFICANTLY increases the drying time. Which helps a lot because it makes it much easier to get a consistent thickness of paint over larger areas; most acrylic paints would start to dry too quickly to go back and move paint around on a larger area to even it out. Also, it was TREMENDOUSLY helpful for keeping the work neat - very important when a zenithal means matching the exact tones to fix mistakes is quite hard - as any mistakes did not dry for quite a while, so it was usually very easy for me to go back and clean any spillovers mid-layer, and then go back and continue working on the layer without it drying out.

Funny thing is I had previously written of the glazing medium because of the long drying times; these had been interfering with my attempts to build up transitions by layering glazes. But it was absolutely the secret ingredient in this particular paintjob. Which is very cool; it's another tool in the toolbox, you know?

The glows didn't turn out as nicely as I would have liked; the rest of the model is pretty bright, which makes it hard for the glows to stand out, and the blue colour blends into the teal a little bit. Plus it just looks a little desaturated; more whitish that blue, you know? Still, I think that final white drybrush and dark blue shade basically rescued the glows. Ultimately I think they look OK.

Overall I do think he looks pretty nice. The glazes did not give me as intense a metallic colour as using straight coloured metallics have in the past, but they do allow me to apply a single zenithal coat over the whole model then tint the areas as needed. Trying to get shading/gradients across multiple areas using actual coloured metallic paints would probably be a much bigger and more challenging job. So I would say it was a successful experiment, and I leaned something I can use in the future.